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Ernst's Velotouren


Bicycle tour 2008 - 2013, the route
GPS-Data nd statistics
Overview, Okt. 2010
Estimated distance = 76'000 km
Effective mileage (May 2011) = 30'259 km
Travelled countries : Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Moldavia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyryzstan, China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia
GPS data and statistics
Recorded Data
Silkroad: Danube-cycletrack - Central Asia - Trans-China - Laos - Northern Thailand
(Recorded Tracks, Waypoints for restaurants and hotels) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth
Mekong Tour trough Thailand, Cambodia and Laos (Angkor sWat, Mekong islands, Vientiane, Luang Prabang)
(Recorded Tracks, Waypoints for restaurants, hotels and sightseeing) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth
South East Asia Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore
(Recorded Tracks, Waypoints for hotels and resorts) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth
Australia: Great Central Road, Stuart Highway, Great Ocean Road, Tasmania
(Recorded Tracks, detailled Waypoints) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth
Statistical analysis of the whole tour (distances, wheel turning time, climed altitudes, etc.) => Excel sheet
Planning data
USA: Cycletrack "Pacific Coast" / Mexico: Baja California - Yucatan / Argentina: Ruta 40
(detailled tracks, 1 waypoint) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth
Trans-Africa route from Capetown to Cairo
(detailled tracks, waypoints (only Garmin-file) for hotels and campsites) => Garmin Map Source / Google Earth